Academic Paper

Coral skeletons reveal the impacts of oil pollution on seawater chemistry in the northern South China Sea

Source: Date:2024-03-25 Autor: Click:

Oil pollution can release trace metals (TMs) with cumulative toxicity into seawater, harming marine ecosystems in the long term. However, the lack of studies has inhibited our understanding of the effects and mechanisms of oil pollution on TMs in seawater. Hence, we investigated the 10-year monthly variation of TMs in Porites coral skeletons from the northern South China Sea (SCS), complemented by spatial distribution of TMs in seawater, sediments and characterization of TMs in fuel oil. The results of principal component-multivariate linear regression showed that the total contribution of oil pollution as a source to TMs in surface seawater was 77.2%, where the residence time of TMs (Ni, V, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Fe, and Mo) released from oil spills in surface seawater was approximately 1.4 months. Due to the geochemical nature of the metals, their seasonal variations are controlled by tropical cyclones (Ni, V, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Fe, and Mo), winter monsoons (Pb, Cd, Ba, and Zn) and sea surface temperature (Sr). This study shows that coral skeletons can be used as a new tool to study marine oil pollution. This provides valuable reference data for accurately identifying and quantifying the effects of oil pollution on TMs in seawater from a spatial and temporal perspective.

