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    网站来源: 时间:2023年09月28日 08:55 点击数:

    2023922-25日,首届国际生物岩石学会议(The 1st International Biopetrological Congress)在河北石家庄举行。我院教师承担了专题:Structures of modern reef systems and their interaction with environments;我院共有15名师生参加了本次会议,作了15个口头报告和1份展板报告,报告人和报告题目信息如下:

    1)王瑞副教授(邀请报告):Atmospheric freshwater reconstruction of coral reef limestone and its paleo-environmental significance: a case study of the Pleistocene Series of Well Chenke 2, Xisha Islands.

    2)王瑞副教授(邀请报告):Advances in the study of nascent reef dolomites - evidence from the microarea study of Well Chenke 2, Xisha Islands, South China Sea.

    3)江蕾蕾助理教授:Development Process and Ecological Significance of Holocene Coral Reef in the Weizhou Island, China.

    4)王永刚(2020级博士研究生):Molecular response of coral Porites lutea holobionts from Weizhou Island under heat stress.

    5)康亚茹(2021级博士研究生,邀请报告):Organophosphate esters (OPEs) in a coral reef food web of the Xisha Islands, South China Sea: occurrence, trophodynamic, and exposure risk.

    6)陈健(2021级博士研究生):Toxic effects of inorganic sunscreens (nZnO and nTiO2) on scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis.

    7)崔梦瑶(2023级博士研究生):Sexual reproduction of scleractinian corals in the Weizhou Island, Guangxi.

    8)余骄洋(2019级硕士研究生):Regulation of the Ssymbiotic bacteria and transcriptome in Porites lutea under feeding by crown-of-thorns starfish.

    9)李悦儿(2020级硕士研究生):Characteristics of growth rate of Porites corals from Tanmen, Hainan Island and their climatic significance during the Mid-Holocene.

    10)雷明凤(2020级硕士研究生):The rapid ecological degradation and its impact on fish of the Yinyu Island in the Xisha Archipelago, China. 

    11)高洁(2020级硕士研究生):Content and source analysis of organic carbon in outer slope sediments of Yongle Atoll, Xisha Islands, China.

    12)韦雪露(2020级硕士研究生):Acute and chronic low-temperature stress responses in Porites lutea from a high-latitude coral reef of the South China Sea.

    13)沈若夏(2021级硕士研究生):Properties of dolomitizing fluids indicated by rare earth elements: A case study of the Upper Miocene to Pliocene dolostone in the South China Sea.

    14)刘春彤(2022级硕士研究生,展板报告):Strontium isotope age and its implications of ′background dolomite′ on well CK-2 in the Xisha Islands, South China Sea.

    15)王浩(2023届博士研究生、信阳师范大学教师):Orbital-insolation controlled Porites coral δ13C seasonality variations since the mid-Holocene in the northern South China Sea.

    16)杨洋(2018级博士研究生、桂林理工大学博士后):Weathering characteristics and influencing factors of coral reef carbonate in Xisha Islands, South China Sea since Miocene.



    首届国际生物岩石学会议由国际生物岩石学学会和河北地质大学主办。学院是主要协办单位之一。本次会议有来自中、美、英、意、韩5国的250多位学者参加,其中包括十多位国内、国际顶尖专家。在本次会议上,我院师生与来自多个领域的专家、学者等进行了广泛的交流,充分展示了在珊瑚礁科学领域的研究成果和综合实力,提升了学院和学校的声誉。(康亚茹/ 江蕾蕾/ 周剑/编辑 余克服/审核)



    上一条:我院师生获得首届国际生物岩石学大会“优秀组织者”奖和“优秀学生报告”奖 下一条:学院召开2023年秋季学期全体教职工大会


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